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Social Media Advertising, LEAD generation & sponsor ads

EVO Social Media Advertising Services

Can help your business grow by focusing on three key elements:
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Spend your advertising budget accurately and wisely

Social media advertising is the most cost-effective form of advertising available today. On average, with a budget of 10€, you can reach 2,000 people. In comparison to traditional media, our social media advertising services are 5 times less costly.

Advertise to the right potential client  

Advertising through social media is a very powerful tool because it allows you to target your exact demographic and potential clients. We develop your social media advertising strategy based on: 

Demographics: Run targeted advertisements for people based on their interests and online behaviors. We can target specific ages, locations, income levels, and so much more!

Email Lists: Send us your email list and we can run custom ads to your email database. If you have the emails of previous leads or customers, say hello to repeat sales and new referrals. Check our EVO lead department.

Website Visitors: Through marketing technologies we may add re-targeting pixels to your website and advertise to recent website visitors. Statistics points that only 1% of the website visitors convert on their first visit and that’s why we’ll use re-targeting to increase your rate of conversions.

Get fast results with social media advertising

Evo’s social media advertising services, expedites your results. You can reach people instantly.

Evo’s social media advertising services, expedites your results. You can reach people instantly. This means you can generate followers, engagement, and website traffic fast. The more ad budget you’re able to provide, the more people we can reach. As you reach more people, you open up the door for more awareness, traffic and sales.

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Result-Proven Social Media Advertising

Our social media advertising department will help you generate immediate results on your different social media channels.

We will connect your products or services to thousands of potential clients who may be interested in them. We will allow you to leverage the most cost-effective and targeted form of advertising technology available today.


The Service is currently being provided only as an integrated part with the Social Media Management packages

EVO Ads Optimizer Platform® (AOP)

Special optimization software for sponsored ads on social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, etc.’…).

EVO AOP® brings you the future of content advertising, perfecting your content and keywords and driving traffic to your site, blog or video, developing your client base and creating higher conversion rates.

The EVO AOP® allows us to target your advertising to specific audiences and save money through our unique filtering system that maximizes your Ads results.

EVO AOP® is the ultimate tool to launch a successful campaign and efficiently coordinate it, using various advertising factors.

Reducing the costs and optimizing the conversion is what we do every day, all day!

Boosting your engagement - 
MORE likes, shares & comments
Optimizing your budget (even if it is small!)

Managed by professionals-  We take care for all the details from A-Z

EVO Leads Generator®

We generate B2B and B2C leads based on a unique technology, saving you time, money and directing you to your target audience!

EVO’s Artificial Intelligence leads generator tool will bring your product or service directly to your target audience at the right times and provide you with high-quality leads.

Through a fully customized sales circle, we can target your audience and describe its profile, in order to program the exact online lead campaign to gain quality leads.

Our lead generation system operates on B2C and B2B clients through all kinds of industries & business domains.

We operate through a complex process that combines several elements in order to increase the lead quality and optimize the final results – an actual sale!

Brings your product directly to your target audience

Saves you time and money

Efficient for B2Cs and B2Bs from all industries

Ready to bring EVO ad's optimizer to your company ? 

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 +31 (20) 262.86.51


+40.316301599 (ext. 7)

Online digital Brand Management & Lead Generation  

Mentor Capital & Business Advisory© | All Rights Reserved 


 +44 (203) 4888.158

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